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Can we make America Healthier Again?


World Council for Health, With Over 250 Health-Focused Organizations Worldwide, Endorses Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Lead HH

With just hours remaining before Robert F. Kennedy Jr. takes center stage for his hearing in front of the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance, the World Council for Health (WCH) has taken to X to announce its unwavering support for President Trump’s nominee to lead the Department of Health and Human Services.

WCH’s post reads:


World Council for Health, comprising over 250 health-focused organizations worldwide, supports @RobertKennedyJr for U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services.


His unwavering commitment to health, transparency, and free speech aligns with the values we stand for; informed consent, health sovereignty and medical freedom.

The post includes a video featuring Dr. Tess Lawrie, Director, The Evidenced- Based Consultancy Ltd., as well as WCH’s Dr. Christof Plothe.


“Our international network advocates for a model/ paradigm that serves people, not profits,” Plothe says in the video. “RFK Jr. stands as a beacon for this cause. He will help restore integrity to health policies, ensuring that decisions prioritize individual well-being not corporate agendas.”


The video also features comments from WCH’s Shabnam Palesa Mohamed and Dr. Mark Trozzi.


800 Medical Professionals Endorse RFK Jr. to Lead Health & Human Services

800 medical professionals endorsed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to lead Health & Human Services (HHS) in a letter today, demonstrating broad support from the medical community for Kennedy's nomination as Secretary of HHS to Make America Healthy Again.


The letter, which is addressed to the Senate, states, "America stands at a crossroads.  The conventional approaches of the past have failed to reverse our declining health outcomes.  By confirming Mr. Kennedy, you will empower a leader prepared to tackle these challenges head-on, delivering the bold, systemic reforms our public health system desperately needs."


The letter represents the voices of health leaders across the US, including Dr. Mehmet Oz, physician, professor emeritus of cardiothoracic surgery at Columbia University and the current nominee to serve as administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Dr. Mark Hyman, one of the most trusted names in functional medicine, practicing physician and the founder of Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, Dr. John Abramson, selected by his peers as one of a handful of best family practitioners in Massachusetts who's been on the faculty at Harvard Medical School for 16 years, Dr. Casey Means, the Stanford-educated medical doctor and New York Times bestselling author focused on how to keep people out of the operating room, Dr. Jeff Vacirca, a renowned cancer physician and Chairman and CEO of the Board of New York Cancer & Blood Specialists, and more.


"Americans' healthy life expectancy ranks 67th in the world, while Americans pay almost twice as much for healthcare per person as the citizens in other wealthy nations," said Dr. Abramson, a signatory on the letter who's served as a family physician for 22 years and has taught primary care and currently teaches health care policy at Harvard Medical School.  "Epidemiologic imbalance of our health research (96% directed at new drugs and devices) and non-transparency of clinical trial data in the peer review process play a large role in sustaining our outlier status of poor health and high costs.  This dysfunction can and must be corrected."


Doctors who are interested in supporting this historic nomination to Make America Healthy Again can sign on to the letter here.


Doctors for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - LETTER TO THE SENATE



Independent Medical Alliance Statement on Day One of the RFK Jr. Confirmation Hearings 

WASHINGTON, Jan. 29, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Leaders of the Independent Medical Alliance (IMA) issued the following statements after Day One of the RFK Jr. confirmation hearings:


"The powerful forces of the status quo were in full attack mode. But RFK Jr. did an amazing job demonstrating why he's the right person for the job. Reforming America's healthcare is one of the most urgent needs for this Administration, and we're confident that RFK Jr. will be leading that effort."  Dr. Joseph Varon, IMA President


"After today's strong performance, we can feel momentum continuing to grow among the medical field for RFK Jr.'s confirmation. Frontline doctors nationwide are energized about Kennedy's nomination and the reforms that he will bring to HHS." Dr. Paul Marik, IMA Chief Science Officer.


This week IMA Action launched a national ad campaign supporting RFK Jr.'s confirmation, and IMA delivered to the Senate a letter of support signed by over 16,000 doctors, healthcare providers, scientists and patients. Post hearing, that number has climbed to nearly 30,000.


Independent Medical Alliance - IMA (formerly Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, FLCCC), is the nation's leading organization of front-line healthcare providers. Group President and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Joseph Varon, earned national praise for working over 700 days straight during the COVID pandemic.  IMA Action ( is the 501c4 advocacy arm of the Independent Medical Alliance (, a 501c3 non-profit organization.


News provided by Independent Medical Alliance



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