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Video Nystagmography to Monitor Treatment in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury A Case Report

Laura A. Swingen, DC, DACNB; Rosi Goldsmith, LMT; Judith Boothby, MS, DC; Terry McDermott, DC; Catherine Kleibel, BA

This case report follows a patient with mild traumatic brain injury who was successfully treated using chiropractic care with chiropractic functional neurological rehabilitation applications. Video nystagmography (VNG) assessment was used as a diagnostic tool to detect aberrant eye movement. The patient was found to have dysfunctional rotational vestibulo-ocular reflexes, poor gaze stability, dysfunctional vertical extraocular pursuits, and inadequate vertical optokinetic responses. Based on the hypothesis that dysfunctional eye movements could be the source of many of this patient's persistent postconcussive symptoms of nausea, fatigue, headaches, and reading difficulties, a course of specific chiropractic and brain-based applications was implemented as dictated by the physical examination and VNG findings. Following 2 wk of care, a follow-up VNG assessment demonstrated improvements in eye movement that correlated with the patient's complete resolution of symptoms.

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