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Expert to Develop Training to Improve Screening for Autism Spectrum Disorders

Study Finds Drug-Free Program is Successful for Eliminating ADHD Symptoms

Evidence Based Guidelines For Long-Term Management Of Willis-Ekbom Disease Expands Choices For Initial Treatment

Company Awarded Patent For Technology To Treat Parkinson's Disease With Brain Stimulation During Sleep

Genetic Mutation Linked to Severe Obesity

School Investigating Risk Factors For Parkinson's Disease

The AACE Endorses Measurement Of Low-Density Lipoprotein Particle (LDL-P) Number

Denver Area Physician Reduces Tonsillectomy Pain and Speeds Healing with Thermal Fusion Technology

ChromaDex® Announces Deal For Its Recently Launched Niagen™ Nicotinamide Riboside With Thorne Research

Released: 07/30/13

Expert to Develop Training to Improve Screening for Autism Spectrum Disorders


Teaching Massachusetts pediatricians how to sensitively navigate diverse cultures while screening children for autism spectrum disorders will be the focus of a pilot project led by Elaine M. Gabovitch, an autism expert at the Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center, a unit within UMass Medical School’s Commonwealth Medicine division. Gabovitch was awarded $80,000 from the Deborah Munroe Noonan Memorial Research Fund.

“The pilot will focus on helping pediatric providers overcome cultural barriers during the screening and referral process”

“If a physician doesn’t understand the culture or speak the language… children from non-English speaking families may not be picked up and get the services they need to progress,” said Gabovitch, director of the Center’s Family & Community Partnerships.

“The pilot will focus on helping pediatric providers overcome cultural barriers during the screening and referral process,” said Gabovitch, who also serves as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s autism awareness campaign Ambassador to Massachusetts.

Varying cultural expectations and/or language differences between physicians and patients could mean some children from non-English speaking backgrounds are identified later than recommended, or not at all, Gabovitch said.

The grant award announced today will support the design of a training curriculum to help bridge that gap. It will be developed from the Considering Culture in Autism screening kit created by Gabovitch and a team through a 2012 grant from the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs.

While the training will be designed to help pediatricians deliver culturally competent care to children from any linguistic background, four populations will be featured to illustrate such care in practice: Hispanic, Chinese, Haitian Creole and Vietnamese. These groups represent the leading populations in Massachusetts for whom English is not their first language.

The pilot training will be implemented in March 2014 with sixty pediatric residents at Boston Medical Center and the Floating Hospital for Children at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. A video production company specializing in intercultural communications will film case study video vignettes that will be embedded in the final training module.

A report including measures of knowledge and attitude before and after training will be written next fall. The module will be submitted for inclusion in the CDC Autism Case Training curriculum.


Released: 07/30/13

Study Finds Drug-Free Program is Successful for Eliminating ADHD Symptoms

A new randomized control study conducted by doctors in the Medical Neurology and Neuroscience field found that a drug-free, multi-modal program is significantly effective for eliminating symptoms associated with ADHD, as well as producing significant cognitive improvement. After a 12-week intervention program, the researchers found that 81 percent of children who enrolled in the multi-modal program no longer fit the criteria for ADHD.

The independent study, "The Integration of the Neurosciences, Child Public Health, and Education Practice: Hemisphere Specific Remediation Strategies as a Discipline Partnered Rehabilitation Tool in ADHD", was published in the peer reviewed Frontiers, In Child Health and Human Development, supported by the Frontiers Research Foundation. Frontiers is one of the largest and fastest growing open-access publishers in the world. It was recently endorsed by Nobel laureates and other leading scientists for its efforts to facilitate more transparent and democratic processes in science by researchers, funders and governments. Research for the control study was conducted by Drs. Gerry Leisman, Raed Mualem and Calixto Machado.

The study consisted of an experimental group of 122 ADHD children, as well as a control group of ADHD children ranging in ages from four to 13. Each child displayed inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, academic under-achievement, and/or behavior problems, and met the criteria for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, as well as demonstrated the absence of coexisting conditions as evaluated by non-participating licensed psychologists or psychiatrists. They also received standardized academic achievement tests by licensed special education specialists.

The experimental group enrolled in a 12 week intervention program at Brain Balance Achievement Centers, nationwide specialized achievement centers for children with behavioral and learning disorders, which consisted of a multi-modal program of sensory motor exercises, cognitive exercises and nutritional guidance. The program attempted to achieve physiologic balance and temporal coherence in the brain and hemisphere, as well as evenness of skills that would match the child's age and grade level. The children attended three times per week for one hour at a time. After 36 sessions over the 12 week period, participants were re-tested and the program yielded strong results. In addition to the high percentage of children no longer fitting the criteria for ADHD, 60 percent of children achieved a two grade level academic increase, and 35 percent of children experienced a four grade level academic increase in multiple subjects. On the other hand, the control group, who did not go through the Brain Balance Program, was also reassessed after 12 weeks. The data showed that these children experienced very little change academically, but behaviorally, their symptoms worsened. This seems to imply that the improvement in symptoms was accompanied by a significant improvement in cognitive skills and academic achievement.

"The groundbreaking study proves that medication is not the only option to help eliminate the symptoms associated with ADHD and it validates what we have been practicing at Brain Balance for nearly 10 years," said Dr. Robert Melillo, founder of Brain Balance Achievement Centers. "Drug-free, multi-modal programs, like the one offered at Brain Balance Achievement Centers, are ultimately more effective when it comes to achieving long-term results and eliminating symptoms both academically and behaviorally. This study shows that our program actually addresses the primary problem in the brain that is the root cause of ADHD and learning difficulty, and that it actually improves brain function. I am not aware of any other programs or studies that have yielded such positive results. We look forward to future studies that help us understand the impact of our program on children with ADHD, as well as other learning disorders, like Dyslexia."

Offering alternative solutions to combat ADHD has become increasingly pertinent as the epidemic continues to rise at a rate of 15 to 20 percent each year. Recent statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report that 11 percent, or approximately one out of every nine children in the US and one in five high school boys, are diagnosed with ADHD.


Released: 07/23/13

Evidence Based Guidelines For Long-Term Management Of Willis-Ekbom Disease Expands Choices For Initial Treatment

Restless Legs Syndrome or Willis-Ekbom disease (RLS/WED) is a chronic neurological disorder that can affect anyone—from any age, sex, or race. People with RLS/WED experience strong urges to move their legs often with strange disagreeable leg sensations. This gets worse when at rest, like when going to sleep at night, watching television or taking a long car ride. Because the symptoms usually intensify in the evening, they often interfere with the ability to sleep. Moderate to severe RLS patients cannot sleep for more than 5 to 5.5 hours each night and often rather than sleeping end up having to walk around to reduce the feelings in their legs.

Managing Long-Term Treatment

While there is currently no cure for (RLS/WED), there is effective treatment. The International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group Foundation (IRLSSG) has published a report of long-term management of RLS/WED using evidence-based guidelines and clinical consensus. The report discusses consensus-based strategies for the prevention and treatment of complications, such as augmentation, loss of efficacy, excessive daytime sleepiness, and impulse control disorders that may develop within long-term pharmacologic treatment of RLS/WED.

IRLSSG president Dr. Diego Garcia-Borreguero states, "After two years of reviewing 61 peer journals and discussion among international experts, our report provides light on two important questions patients of RLS/WED have been asking for years. What is the efficacy of my treatment? And, what is the safety of this treatment? Our report, published in Sleep Medicine's July 2013 issue, provides the first comprehensive review of long-term treatment options for RLS/WED patients."

One major finding of the report is recommended expansion of first line treatment of RLS/WED for most patients. The use of either a dopamine-receptor agonist or alpha 2 delta calcium-channel ligand is recommended as the first-line treatment on an individual basis considering long term treatment complications.

For more information on treatment guidelines—and a full copy of the IRLSSG's report titled "The long-term treatment of restless legs syndrome/Willis–Ekbom disease: evidence-based guidelines and clinical consensus best practice guidance: a report from the International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group" paper— visit


Released: 07/23/13

Company Awarded Patent For Technology To Treat Parkinson's Disease With Brain Stimulation During Sleep

Great Lakes NeuroTechnologies announced today they have received allowance of claims from the US Patent Office for an application covering their system and method of stimulating the brain during sleep to treat movement disorder symptoms. The claims cover a system and method including a wearable apparatus to position an array of electrodes on the surface of the scalp, provide low dose stimulation to the brain using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), and delivering this stimulation during different stages of sleep. While deep brain stimulation has shown efficacy for treating movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease, non-invasive technologies such as tDCS may provide additional options for patients. Delivering stimulation therapy during sleep may target brain states likely to improve motor symptoms, as well as minimize patient burden since the therapy would occur while they are sleeping.

"While most of our previous work has focused on diagnostics for Parkinson's disease, we also recognize new opportunities for therapy could have a significant impact on patient quality of life." says Dustin Heldman, PhD, Principal Investigator and Biomedical Research Manager. To address the growing movement disorders market, Great Lakes NeuroTechnologies has been committed to the commercialization of its Kinesia ( medical technology platforms. "There is evidence that treating the brain with transcranial direct current stimulation using a non-invasive system can improve Parkinson's symptoms. While current approaches aim to target the location of stimulation to the brain, this approach is targeting the timing of stimulation, by delivering it during sleep." Dr. Heldman also thanked the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and the National Institute on Aging for their continued support of these technologies. An ongoing Phase I clinical study (1R43NS077652-01) is evaluating efficacy of the technology in patients.

Great Lakes NeuroTechnologies is committed to building its intellectual property portfolio with new applications stemming from many on-going clinical studies. "These allowed patent claims continue to build on our success in applying for and securing intellectual property for our innovative product and services pipeline targeted toward movement disorders. Strategically, it also represents a bifurcated shift in our portfolio to cover not only diagnostics but certain therapies that leverage key components of our diagnostic technology", says Brian Kolkowski, PhD, Executive Vice-President and General Counsel. "As our technology continues to grow commercially in both domestic and international markets, our growing patent portfolio will help to provide strategic advantage for our company by protecting technology in our targeted markets."


Released: 07/19/13

Genetic Mutation Linked to Severe Obesity

Researchers at Boston Children's Hospital have identified a genetic cause of severe obesity that, though rare, raises new questions about weight gain and energy use in the general obese population. The research, published in the journal Science on July 19, involved genetic surveys of several groups of obese humans and experiments in mice.

Mice with the genetic mutation gained weight even while eating the same amount of food as their normal counterparts; the affected gene, Mrap2, has a human counterpart (MRAP2) and appears to be involved in regulating metabolism and food consumption.

"These mice aren't burning the fat, they're somehow holding onto it," says the study's lead investigator Joseph Majzoub, MD, chief of endocrinology at Boston Children's. "Mice with the genetic mutation gained more weight, and we found similar mutations in a cohort of obese humans."

The protein created by the Mrap2 gene appears to facilitate signaling to a receptor in the brain called Mc4r, which helps increase metabolism and decrease appetite as part of a larger signaling chain involved in energy regulation. Fat cells produce the hormone leptin, prompting receptors in the brain to instigate production of a second hormone, aMSH. Mc4r detects this hormone with the aid of Mrap2, leading to a decrease in appetite and weight. Mutations in this signaling chain, including mutations in Mc4r, are known to increase the likelihood of obesity.

Majzoub, first author Masato Asai, MD, PhD, now at Nagoya University in Japan, and colleagues studied mice with the Mrap2 gene knocked out both overall and just in the brain. In both cases, the mice grew to about twice their normal size. Weight gain was greatest when both copies of Mrap2 were knocked out, but the mice still showed weight gain and appetite increase with one working copy of the gene. The weight gain was more pronounced in males than females. In addition, the mice without Mrap2 had more exaggerated weight gain when fed a high-fat diet than normal mice.

Surprisingly, while the mice without Mrap2 didn't eat more at first, they still gained weight faster than the controls. Later, their appetites increased and they continued to gain more weight than the controls, even when held to the same diet and quantity of food. In the end, the mutant mice had to be underfed by 10 to 15 percent to show the same weight gain as their normal peers. As soon as they were let off the restricted diet, their weight gain increased.

To investigate the gene in humans, Majzoub collaborated with Sadaf Farooqi, MD, PhD, of the University of Cambridge, and others to investigate groups of obese patients from around the world. The team found four mutations in the human equivalent of Mrap2 among the 500 people, all in patients with severe, early-onset obesity; each of the four affected patients had only one copy of the mutation.

While the finding suggests that these rare mutations directly cause obesity in less than 1 percent of the obese population, the researchers suspect that other mutations in the gene might occur more commonly and might interact with other mutations and environmental factors to cause more common forms of obesity. "We found other mutations that weren't as clearly damaging to the gene," notes Majzoub. "It's possible that some of these more common mutations actually are pathogenic, especially in combination with other genes in the same pathway."

One intriguing theory, called the thrifty-gene hypothesis, holds that rare mutations in genes like Mrap2 exist because they gave humans an evolutionary advantage in times of severe famine. Further investigation into how these mutations work may lend insight into the body's mechanisms for energy storage and use. In the present study, the lab did not observe anything to explain why the mutant mice were storing more food energy, such as a difference in activity level or heat output.


Released: 07/17/13

School Investigating Risk Factors For Parkinson's Disease

University of California, San Diego School of Medicine will be one of 23 official clinical sites of the Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative's (PPMI) new arm to study at-risk populations for Parkinson's disease (PD). The $55 million landmark observational clinical study launched in 2010 to define one or more biomarkers of PD and now seeks to better understand potential risk factors of the disease. The University of California, San Diego School of Medicine has been a part of PPMI for three years and is currently enrolling for the new, pre-motor arm of the study.

The pre-motor arm of PPMI will enroll participants who do not have Parkinson's disease and are living with one of three potential risk factors for PD: a reduced sense of smell (hyposmia); rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder (RBD); or a mutation in the LRRK2 gene (the single greatest genetic contributor to PD known to date). Validating these risk factors could not only enable earlier detection of the disease, but open new avenues in the quest for therapies that could slow or stop disease progression.

"Understanding risk factors for Parkinson's disease could help to identify therapies that may prevent the onset of motor symptoms in future generations of PD patients," said Douglas Galasko, MD, the principal investigator for the study at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine.

Local residents can easily get involved in this research by being one of 10,000 individuals needed to complete a brief online survey ( about their sense of smell. People over the age of 60 who do not have Parkinson's disease are needed to take the survey. Most respondents will be sent a scratch-and-sniff smell test and brief questionnaire in the mail to be completed at home. Some individuals may also be asked to undergo more extensive testing.

"In the third year of PPMI, it is evident that a large-scale biomarker study is not only possible in Parkinson's disease, but is already yielding scientific insights that could help transform the field of Parkinson's research," said Todd Sherer, PhD, CEO of The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research. "None of this progress would be possible without the willing volunteers who donate their time and energy to the pursuit of a cure."


Released: 07/17/13

The AACE Endorses Measurement Of Low-Density Lipoprotein Particle (LDL-P) Number

LipoScience Inc.,a diagnostic company pioneering a new field of personalized NMR diagnostics to advance the quality of patient care in cardiovascular, metabolic and other diseases, today announced that the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) has endorsed the measurement of low-density lipoprotein particles (LDL-P) as part of a management strategy to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in patients with diabetes.

The recommendation to measure LDL-P by NMR appears in the AACE's Comprehensive Diabetes Management Algorithm 2013 Consensus Statement, published in a supplement to the May/June issue of Endocrine Practice. The consensus statement cites expert opinion that LDL-P "must be recognized and included in treatment recommendations," noting that patients with type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, and/or hypertriglyceridemia (elevated triglycerides) are the most likely populations to have persistently elevated LDL-P, even when low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C) are at goal levels.

In presenting a new algorithm for the comprehensive management of persons with type 2 diabetes, the AACE consensus statement incorporates a CVD Risk Factor Modifications Algorithm that specifies desirable levels of LDL-P in at-risk patients. For patients at moderate risk of CVD (age younger than 40 years and/or no major risk factors aside from diabetes), an LDL-P level of less than 1200 nanomoles per liter (nmol/L) is considered desirable. For patients at high risk of CVD (diabetes plus one or more major risk factor, such as hypertension, family history, low HDL-C, or smoking), the desirable LDL-P level is less than 1000 nmol/L, according to the algorithm.

"The AACE consensus statement reflects the growing recognition of low-density lipoprotein particle measurement by NMR as an important risk management tool in patients with diabetes and other cardiovascular risk factors," stated Richard O. Brajer, chief executive officer of LipoScience. "The endorsement of such a respected organization supports our vision of widespread adoption of LDL-P testing for CVD management."


Released: 07/10/13

Denver Area Physician Reduces Tonsillectomy Pain and Speeds Healing with Thermal Fusion Technology

Novel device minimizes tissue damage compared with conventional techniques

While tonsillectomy is one of the most common surgical procedures, patients often report that it is also one of the most painful. To reduce the pain associated with tonsillectomies and speed healing, Janice Birney, MD (an ear, nose and throat specialist in Littleton, CO) is using MiFusion™ ENTceps®, a surgical device that employs Thermal Fusion Technology to minimize tissue damage—and her patients are reporting exceptional results.

Approximately half of Dr. Birney’s tonsillectomy patients are adults and the other half children. While patients of all ages have experienced significantly less pain and bleeding with MiFusion ENTceps versus other techniques, she points out that the most dramatic difference has been in pediatric patients. Dr. Birney notes how children return to their regular diets, school, and sports sooner.

“The pain is a lot less, which is a tremendous benefit for children because we don’t have prolonged narcotic usage,” said Dr. Birney. “I’ve had several pediatric patients who required no narcotics at all post-operatively: Tylenol® was adequate in controlling the pain. Mothers compare notes and when one mom’s child had a tonsillectomy and was on narcotics for 10 days while another’s child required no narcotics at all they clearly see how ENTceps makes a difference.”

Conventional devices used to perform tonsillectomies transmit electrical energy through the patient or tissue, which can damage surrounding tissue and cause excessive bleeding and intense post-operative pain. As a result, it can take weeks for a patient to fully recover and resume his or her normal life. The key difference with MiFusion ENTceps is that it employs an advanced, proprietary technology, called Thermal Fusion (also known as Tissue Welding), to remove the tonsils and simultaneously seal the tissue from which they were removed. Because the device uses only pure heat and pressure, it minimizes tissue damage, resulting in improved patient outcomes. Studies have shown that patients who have undergone MiFusion ENTceps tonsillectomies experience less pain and bleeding compared with other surgical techniques.1,2

For more information on the MiFusion ENTceps tonsillectomy procedure, visit

1 Stavroulaki P. et al. Thermal welding versus cold dissection tonsillectomy: A prospective, randomized, single-blind study in adult patients. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. August 2007.

2 Karatzias G. et al. Thermal welding versus bipolar tonsillectomy: A comparative study. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. June 2006.


Released: 07/08/13

ChromaDex® Announces Deal For Its Recently Launched Niagen™ Nicotinamide Riboside With Thorne Research

ChromaDex Corp, an innovative natural products company that provides proprietary, science-based solutions and ingredients to the dietary supplement, food and beverage, animal health, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, today announced a three-year marketing deal worth at least $3.5 million with Thorne Research Inc. for ChromaDex’s recently launched Niagen™, its novel, patented branded nicotinamide riboside (NR) ingredient.

Under the terms of the agreement, Thorne Research receives marketing rights for Niagen™ for use in nutritional supplements exclusively for the direct to healthcare-practitioner channel in the United States and Canada. ChromaDex will receive a royalty on sales of Thorne Research products that will contain Niagen™. In addition, Thorne Research will collaborate with ChromaDex on future human clinical trials of Niagen™.

“Mitochondrial energy production is critical for efficient metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, weight management, athletic performance, cardiovascular health, and neuroprotection,” said Robert Rountree, MD, chief medical officer of Thorne Research. “Research has shown that oral nicotinamide riboside, a compound naturally found in the diet, can significantly optimize mitochondrial function by increasing intracellular levels of NAD+. In addition to improving the overall redox state of the cell, an increase in NAD+ results in activation of SIRT1 and PGC-1alpha, cellular proteins that play a major role in mitochondrial biogenesis, glucose regulation, and protection against age-related disease. Studies have shown that nicotinamide riboside increases muscle endurance, protects nerve cells from injury, improves insulin sensitivity, lowers serum cholesterol and limits diet-induced obesity. Nicotinamide riboside also represents the next generation of vitamin B3, providing the benefits of niacin but without the disturbing flush that impairs patient compliance.”

Paul Jacobson, CEO of Thorne Research, stated, “We believe Niagen™ is one of the most exciting new ingredients to be introduced in the nutritional supplement market in the past decade. We are thrilled to be the first manufacturer in our market sector to be able to incorporate this ingredient, and we plan on having a series of first-to-market products that incorporate Niagen™.”

Frank Jaksch, ChromaDex founder and CEO, stated, “Our recently announced launch of Niagen™ has resulted in numerous inquiries from leading companies in the nutritional supplement industry. We are proud to have Thorne Research, a highly regarded industry innovator, as our first channel partner for Niagen™, our branded nicotinamide riboside.”

ChromaDex's Niagen™ has the potential to be a next-generation niacin (vitamin B3) and become a part of the portfolio of B-vitamin ingredients included in products serving multi-billion dollar markets such as multi-vitamins, nutraceuticals, weight-loss, energy drinks, sports nutrition, meal replacements, infant formula, and food and beverage products.

Niagen™ is the first and only commercially available brand of NR. Over the past two years, ChromaDex has built a significant patent portfolio pertaining to NR by separately acquiring patent rights from Cornell University, Dartmouth College, and Washington University. ChromaDex believes its patent rights create a significant and meaningful barrier to entry for would-be competitors in the NR market.

About Nicotinamide Riboside (NR):

Sometimes referred to as the “Miracle Molecule” or the “Hidden Vitamin,” NR is found naturally in trace amounts in milk and other foods and is a more potent, no-flush version of niacin (vitamin B3). The beneficial effects of NR in humans include increased fatty acid oxidation, increased mitochondrial activity, resistance to negative consequences of high-fat diets, protection against oxidative stress, prevention of peripheral neuropathy, and blockage of muscle degeneration.

Published research has shown that NR is perhaps the most potent precursor to NAD+ in the mitochondria of animals. NAD+ is arguably the most important cellular co-factor for improvement of mitochondrial performance and energy metabolism. Mitochondria also play an important role in the aging process. It is hoped that by stimulating mitochondrial function with the NR molecule, scientists will see increased longevity as well as other health improvements. Researchers worldwide continue to make seminal discoveries in providing evidence for the unique properties of NR in neuroprotection, sirtuin activation, protection against weight gain on high-fat diets, and improvement of blood glucose and insulin sensitivity.

A recent study by researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College and the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Switzerland) found that mice on a high-fat diet fed NR gained 60 percent less weight than mice eating the same high-fat diet without NR. Moreover, unlike the mice not fed NR, none of the NR-treated mice had indications they were developing diabetes and they had improved energy and lower cholesterol levels, all with no side effects. The Swiss researchers were quoted as saying the effects of NR on metabolism “are nothing short of astonishing.”

About Thorne Research:

Since 1984, Thorne Research has set the standard for exceptional quality manufacturing and formulation of premium hypoallergenic nutritional supplements available through licensed health-care practitioners. With more than 400 products, Thorne Research is recognized by health-care practitioners as a leader in providing nutritional supplements of the highest quality and purity. Through recent acquisitions and joint ventures, Thorne Research now offers product lines that address the nutritional support of cancer patients and cognitive, brain, and cardiovascular health, in addition to a product line for high performance athletes; a comprehensive product line of organic, non-GMO skin-care products; and related supportive practice management programs. With locations in Sandpoint, Idaho, and New York, New York, Thorne Research operates a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility and employs more than 250 people. Further information on Thorne Research is available at

About ChromaDex®:

ChromaDex® is an innovative natural products company that discovers, acquires, develops, and commercializes proprietary-based ingredient technologies through its unique business model that utilizes its wholly owned synergistic business units, including ingredient technologies, natural product fine chemicals (known as “phytochemicals”), chemistry and analytical testing services, and product regulatory and safety consulting (as Spherix Consulting). The company provides seamless science-based solutions to the nutritional supplement, food and beverage, animal health, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries. The ChromaDex ingredient technologies unit includes products backed with extensive scientific research and intellectual property. Its ingredient portfolio includes pTeroPure® pterostilbene; ProC3G™, a natural black rice containing cyanidine-3-glucoside; PURENERGY™, a caffeine-pTeroPure co-crystal; nutraGac™, a gac fruit powder; curcumin; and Niagen™, its recently launched branded nicotinamide riboside, a novel next-generation B-vitamin. To learn more about ChromaDex visit


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